Springlint report

Generated on 2020-10-22 11:51:59

This report was generated by SpringLint, a linter for Spring MVC applications. In a nutshell, SpringLint compares your classes to a benchmark of thousands of classes in many Spring MVC systems. Colors mean how your class is positioned according to this benchmark. Red means your class is within the 10% worst classes of our benchmark.

If you want to read more about the tool, the code metrics, and the smells, take a look at our wiki.

How are your Controllers?

Are there smells in your Controllers?

How are your Repositories?

Are there smells in your Repositories?

How are your Services?

Are there smells in your Services?

How are your Components?

Are there smells in your Components?

How are your Entities?

Are there smells in your Entities?